UE SSR Realization
- pre frame reduction
- tile-based classification
- deal with gbuffer data
- SSR quality
- importance sampling
- jitter
- ray marching
- hit result
pre frame reduction
用来生成mip map的source texture 都是上一帧的depth 和 color
- 根据screen space 的 velocity 计算上一帧的uv
float4 EncodedVelocity = GBufferVelocityTexture.SampleLevel(GBufferVelocityTextureSampler, SceneBufferUV, 0); if (EncodedVelocity.x > 0.0) { PrevScreen = ThisClip.xy - DecodeVelocityFromTexture(EncodedVelocity).xy; }
- mip map level = 5
- 第一个pass生成mip map level 0-1 level 0 就直接是pre frame 的color texture的下一级采样了,等于不再浪费一个level去存原始的color值,这难道就是传说中的SSR在half resolution里做。 这里的操作很骚气,每个pass最多只生成3个level,第一个pass只生成2个level,所以只输出最后2个color_output。
- 第二个pass生成mip map level 2-4
bool bIsSky = WorldDepth > SkyDistance && SkyDistance > 0.0;
取了最大,这个有点奇怪,按理说不是最小的depth么? 并不是在这个pass生成的hi-z, 但是也是取了四个pixel中的最大depth。 后来看了下,应该是做SSRT的时候用的是minimum depth,这里计算权重的时候还是用了最大的depth.
color and alpha
alpha应该是为半透明物体的渲染时用的。 其实这里看实现真的有点诡异的。
取前一帧的原color值时 这里是根据uv和depth反算出世界坐标,然后计算到上一级的世界坐标的平方,再除以radius平方来作为weight的,讲道理这四个weight加一起也不一定是1,这样直接加权会不会有问题。
float WorldDepthToPixelWorldRadius = GetTanHalfFieldOfView().x * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.z * 100; // 这边的100倍是随意弄出来的,还是有啥含义额 // 这里的radius计算也是有点迷,不太理解这是什么含义,这里是拿world_depth / near_plane_depth么 float WorldBluringRadius = WorldDepthToPixelWorldRadius * WorldDepth; float InvSquareWorldBluringRadius = rcp(WorldBluringRadius * WorldBluringRadius); float2 SampleUV = PrevFrameUV; // + View.BufferSizeAndInvSize.zw * (float2(i % 2, i / 2) - 0.5); SampleUV = clamp(SampleUV, PrevBufferBilinearUVMinMax.xy, PrevBufferBilinearUVMinMax.zw); float PrevDeviceZ = PrevSceneDepth.SampleLevel(PrevSceneDepthSampler, SampleUV, 0).r; float3 SampleWorldPosition = ComputeTranslatedWorldPosition(PrevScreen.xy, ConvertFromDeviceZ(PrevDeviceZ), /* bIsPrevFrame = */ true); float SampleDistSquare = length2(RefWorldPosition - SampleWorldPosition); float SampleWeight = saturate(1 - SampleDistSquare * InvSquareWorldBluringRadius); PrevColor = float4(PrevSceneColor.SampleLevel(PrevSceneColorSampler, SampleUV, 0).rgb * SampleWeight, SampleWeight);
mip map level 0-4 这里的权重计算方式跟上面还不一样,是直接用depth相减然后除以radius平方,最后还除以一个4,这是什么骚操作额,看不懂,难道是因为不好再反计算world position了,总之感觉有点怪。
UNROLL for (uint x = 0; x < 2; x++) { UNROLL for (uint y = 0; y < 2; y++) { .... float SampleWeight = 1.0; #if DIM_LEAK_FREE { float NeighborDepth = SharedFurthestDepth[LDSIndex]; float SampleDist = (FurthestDepth - NeighborDepth); SampleWeight = saturate(1 - (SampleDist * SampleDist) * InvSquareWorldBluringRadius); } #endif ReducedColor += Color * SampleWeight; } } ReducedColor *= rcp(4.0);
tile-based classification
搜了下感觉这个代码是不是废弃了,并没有人调用,看逻辑感觉也有点诡异。 SSRTTileClassification.usf & SSRTTileClassificationBuffer.ush
uint2 TileCoord = DispatchThreadId;
uint DirectionId = GroupThreadId.z;
float2 ViewportUV = (TileCoord * GROUP_TILE_SIZE + GROUP_TILE_SIZE / 2) * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.zw;
float DirectionAndle = float(DirectionId) * (2 * PI * rcp(float(SSRT_DIRECTIONALITY_DIVISION)));
讲道理这边应该用furthest depth.
计算screen space 下的 start, direction, end
float2 RayStartScreen = ViewportUVToScreenPos(ViewportUV); float2 RayStepScreen = normalize(View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.zw * RayPixelDirection); RayStepScreen *= GetStepScreenFactorToClipAtScreenEdge(RayStartScreen, RayStepScreen); float2 RayEndViewportUV = ScreenPosToViewportUV(RayStartScreen + RayStepScreen); float2 RayStartPixel = ViewportUV * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.xy; float2 RayEndPixel = RayEndViewportUV * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.xy; float MaxSampleDistance = length(RayStartPixel - RayEndPixel);
- ray marching 每个方向走五步,步子越来越大,每一步计算周围的最小depth,除以delta_width, 计算一个最大的角度,存储这个最大的角度和tile代表pixel的最小depth. 这个有啥参考价值么,思路感觉有点怪呀~
ray discard
根据之前计算的最大角度去剔除一些ray marching direction.
bool TestRayEarlyReturn(FSSRTTileInfos TileInfos, FSSRTRay Ray)
float2 RayStepPixel = Ray.RayStepScreen.xy * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.xy;
float DeltaU = length(RayStepPixel) * (0.5 * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.z);
float DeltaZ = Ray.RayStepScreen.z;
float RayTheta = atan2(DeltaU, -DeltaZ);
uint DirectionId =ComputeRayDirectionId(Ray);
bool bEarlyReturn = RayTheta > TileInfos.Directionality[DirectionId];
return bEarlyReturn;
deal with gbuffer data
- roughness
float GetRoughnessFade(in float Roughness) { // mask SSR to reduce noise and for better performance, roughness of 0 should have SSR, at MaxRoughness we fade to 0 return min(Roughness * SSRParams.y + 2, 1.0); }
SSR quality
different quality 决定
- num of steps
- num of rays
- b_glossy ?? 只 trace 一条光线的时候 是否用 GGX importance sampling
#if SSR_QUALITY == 1
uint NumSteps = 8;
uint NumRays = 1;
bool bGlossy = false;
#elif SSR_QUALITY == 2
uint NumSteps = 16;
uint NumRays = 1;
bool bGlossy = true;
bool bGlossy = false;
#elif SSR_QUALITY == 3
uint NumSteps = 8;
uint NumRays = 4;
bool bGlossy = true;
#else // SSR_QUALITY == 4
uint NumSteps = 12;
uint NumRays = 12;
bool bGlossy = true;
importance sampling
half vector
- GGX of visible normal
- GGX ```cpp float3x3 TangentBasis = GetTangentBasis( N ); float3 TangentV = mul( TangentBasis, V );
float2 E = Hammersley16( i, NumRays, Random );
float3 H = mul( ImportanceSampleVisibleGGX(UniformSampleDisk(E), roughnessroughness, TangentV ).xyz, TangentBasis ); float3 L = 2 dot( V, H ) * H - V;
// [ Heitz 2018, "Sampling the GGX Distribution of Visible Normals" ]
// http://jcgt.org/published/0007/04/01/
// PDF = G_SmithV * VoH * D / NoV / (4 * VoH)
// PDF = G_SmithV * D / (4 * NoV)
float4 ImportanceSampleVisibleGGX( float2 DiskE, float a2, float3 V )
// NOTE: See below for anisotropic version that avoids this sqrt
float a = sqrt(a2);
// stretch
float3 Vh = normalize( float3( a * V.xy, V.z ) );
// Orthonormal basis
// Tangent0 is orthogonal to N.
#if 1 // Stable tangent basis based on V.
float3 Tangent0 = (V.z < 0.9999) ? normalize( cross( float3(0, 0, 1), V ) ) : float3(1, 0, 0);
float3 Tangent1 = normalize(cross( Vh, Tangent0 ));
float3 Tangent0 = (Vh.z < 0.9999) ? normalize( cross( float3(0, 0, 1), Vh ) ) : float3(1, 0, 0);
float3 Tangent1 = cross( Vh, Tangent0 );
float2 p = DiskE;
float s = 0.5 + 0.5 * Vh.z;
p.y = (1 - s) * sqrt( 1 - p.x * p.x ) + s * p.y;
float3 H;
H = p.x * Tangent0;
H += p.y * Tangent1;
H += sqrt( saturate( 1 - dot( p, p ) ) ) * Vh;
// unstretch
H = normalize( float3( a * H.xy, max(0.0, H.z) ) );
return float4(H, VisibleGGXPDF(V, H, a2));
float2 Hammersley16( uint Index, uint NumSamples, uint2 Random )
float E1 = frac( (float)Index / NumSamples + float( Random.x ) * (1.0 / 65536.0) );
float E2 = float( ( reversebits(Index) >> 16 ) ^ Random.y ) * (1.0 / 65536.0);
return float2( E1, E2 );
float2 UniformSampleDisk( float2 E )
float Theta = 2 * PI * E.x;
float Radius = sqrt( E.y );
return Radius * float2( cos( Theta ), sin( Theta ) );
// [ Duff et al. 2017, "Building an Orthonormal Basis, Revisited" ]
// Discontinuity at TangentZ.z == 0
float3x3 GetTangentBasis( float3 TangentZ )
const float Sign = TangentZ.z >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
const float a = -rcp( Sign + TangentZ.z );
const float b = TangentZ.x * TangentZ.y * a;
float3 TangentX = { 1 + Sign * a * Pow2( TangentZ.x ), Sign * b, -Sign * TangentZ.x };
float3 TangentY = { b, Sign + a * Pow2( TangentZ.y ), -TangentZ.y };
return float3x3( TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ );
incident light
- cos hemisphere
- uniform concentric disk
InterleavedGradientNoise 作为step_offset
// high frequency dither pattern appearing almost random without banding steps
// http://advances.realtimerendering.com/s2014/index.html
// Epic extended by FrameId
// ~7 ALU operations (2 frac, 3 mad, 2 *)
// @return 0..1
float InterleavedGradientNoise( float2 uv, float FrameId )
// magic values are found by experimentation
uv += FrameId * (float2(47, 17) * 0.695f);
const float3 magic = float3( 0.06711056f, 0.00583715f, 52.9829189f );
return frac(magic.z * frac(dot(uv, magic.xy)));
ray marching
transform a ray for screen space ray casting
- 计算一条ray的world space的 start 和 end point
- 将world space 下的 start 和 end 转换到 screen space --> RayStartScreen
- 计算screen space下的trace direction --> RayStepScreen
计算 CompareTolerance 是做啥的 ???
FSSRTRay InitScreenSpaceRayFromWorldSpace( float3 RayOriginTranslatedWorld, float3 WorldRayDirection, float WorldTMax, float SceneDepth, float SlopeCompareToleranceScale, const bool bExtendRayToScreenBorder, out bool bRayWasClipped) { WorldTMax = min(WorldTMax, 1000000); float3 ViewRayDirection = mul(float4(WorldRayDirection, 0.0), View.TranslatedWorldToView).xyz; float RayEndWorldDistance = ViewRayDirection.z < 0.0 ? min(-0.95 * SceneDepth / ViewRayDirection.z, WorldTMax) : WorldTMax; float3 RayEndWorld = RayOriginTranslatedWorld + WorldRayDirection * RayEndWorldDistance; float4 RayStartClip = mul(float4(RayOriginTranslatedWorld, 1.0), View.TranslatedWorldToClip); float4 RayEndClip = mul(float4(RayEndWorld, 1.0), View.TranslatedWorldToClip); float3 RayStartScreen = RayStartClip.xyz * rcp(RayStartClip.w); float3 RayEndScreen = RayEndClip.xyz * rcp(RayEndClip.w); float4 RayDepthClip = RayStartClip + mul(float4(0, 0, RayEndWorldDistance, 0), View.ViewToClip); float3 RayDepthScreen = RayDepthClip.xyz * rcp(RayDepthClip.w); FSSRTRay Ray; Ray.RayStartScreen = RayStartScreen; Ray.RayStepScreen = RayEndScreen - RayStartScreen; float ClipToScreenFactor = GetStepScreenFactorToClipAtScreenEdge(RayStartScreen.xy, Ray.RayStepScreen.xy); if (!bExtendRayToScreenBorder) { bRayWasClipped = ClipToScreenFactor < 1.0 || RayEndWorldDistance != WorldTMax; ClipToScreenFactor = min(ClipToScreenFactor, 1.0); } else { bRayWasClipped = true; } Ray.RayStepScreen *= ClipToScreenFactor; Ray.CompareTolerance = max(abs(Ray.RayStepScreen.z), (RayStartScreen.z - RayDepthScreen.z) * SlopeCompareToleranceScale); return Ray; }
ray marching
- mip map level
Level += (8.0 / NumSteps) * Roughness;
- 四个step作为一把batch一起算
- 计算hit的时候用二分法,还用了前后两步插值
hit result
- 所有rays的结果累加求平均
- 剩下的是在做啥呦
OutColor.rgb *= rcp( 1 - Luminance(OutColor.rgb) ) OutColor *= RoughnessFade; OutColor *= SSRParams.r;