Real-Time antialiasing summary

why AA

Alt text

  • what cause aliasing Aliasing occurs when a signal is being sampled at too low a frequency Alt text

sampling and filtering theory

想起了遥远的信号与系统~ Alt text


要想信号可以被原样还原, the sampling frequency has to be more than twice the maximum frequency of the signal to be sampled, 否则还原出来的信号会混叠。 frequency 是 1 / T, 时域里变化周期的倒数。 但是rendering里的三维空间is normally never band-limited when rendered with point samples, 所以完全解决走样问题是几乎不可能的。


Alt text Alt text


downsampling and upsampling Alt text

screen-based antialiasing

more samples


  • SuperSampling AA 渲一个更大分辨率的,再下采样。
  • MSAA Alt text 每个物体对应一个像素的pixel shader只执行一次,但是一个pixel对应多个coverage samples,各个sample各取所需。
  • TAA 每帧相机做一些jitter,利用上一帧或前几帧的渲染结果,变相的也是多了一些samples,但是对于每一帧来说sampling的开销并没有增多。

sampling patterns

研究表明,人眼对于near-horizontal and near-vertical edges更为敏感,其次是45度对角。

  • RGSS(rotated grid) Alt text
  • Halton sequence generates samples in space that appear random but have low discrepancy
  • Quincunx sharing samples among pixels Alt text
  • FLIPQUAD Alt text

Morphological Methods

Alt text 基于图像的后处理操作。

  • FXAA (fast approximate antialiasing)
    • 判定哪些像素是边缘 sharp changes in brightness.
    • 边缘像素做blend
  • SMAA (subpixel morphological antialiasing) A logical development of the FXAA algorithm. This technique not only blurs the contrast points, but also uses a kind of logic – it finds and recognizes patterns in the form of lines, curves, boundaries of objects, and blurs them in the direction of these lines.
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