Optimized Pixel-Projected Reflections for Planar Reflectors
main thoughts
- reverse the reflection tracing
- approximate reflective areas of the scene
- rectangles
- shader constants
2d simplify scene
projection pass
basic principle
先相对地面做镜像,再连接相机,判断和平面交点在不在valid area内。
连接相机:对镜像的点做perspective projection, 然后找到该点对应的screen space的depth,反算交点,把reflected color写在交点的buffer里。
occluded by others
simply skip outputting reflected color information
reflection pass
just read the data that was stored for this pixel by the “projection pass”.
intermediate buffer
holes -> distortion -> filtering -> color bleeding
using value of neighboring pixels
filtering with some limitation.
- decompose colors to hue and luminance and combine those components separately