TAA Implementation vs. DLSS



aliasing occurs when a signal is being sampled at too low a frequency Alt text

type of rendering aliasing

geometry aliasing

对几何覆盖函数的采样不足 Alt text

shading aliasing

对渲染方程的采样不足 Alt text


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要想信号可以被原样还原, the sampling frequency has to be more than twice the maximum frequency of the signal to be sampled, 否则还原出来的信号会混叠。

但是rendering里的三维空间 is normally never band-limited when rendered with point samples, 所以完全解决走样问题是几乎不可能的。


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screen space antialiasing

more samples

基于的宗旨基本上都是每个pixel多一些samples. Alt text

SSAA (Super Sampling Antialiasing)

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  • each sample has to run through a pixel shader

    MSAA (Multisampling Antialiasing) vs EQAA(Enhanced Quality Antialiasing)

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  • the pixel shader is evaluated only once for each object fragment applied to the pixel.


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Morphological Methods

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FXAA(Fast Approximate Antialiasing)

  • find edge (based on color) Alt text
  • find line (horizon or vertical) Alt text
  • filtering

SMAA(Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing)

  • find edge (based on color, depth, normal, primitiveID...)
  • find line
  • filtering Alt text



post process highlight_object 和 DOF之后。 Alt text

jitter your view frustum

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motion vector

  • static Alt text
  • dynamic Alt text

precache scene depth and color(color transformation)


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tone mapping

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linear --> YCoCg

a simple transformation of an associated RGB color space into a luma value (denoted as Y) and two chroma values called chrominance green (Cg) and chrominance orange (Co). Alt text Alt text

history sampling

motion vector sampling

当镜头的移动时,可能会导致物体的遮挡关系发生变化,比如一个远处的物体原来被前面的物体遮挡住,现在因为镜头移动而忽然出现,这时采样 Motion 偏移得到的位置,上帧中其实是没有渲染的数据的。因此为了得到更加平滑的数据,可以在当前像素点周围判断深度,取距离镜头最近的点位置,来采样 Motion Vector 的值,这样可以减弱遮挡错误的影响。 Alt text Alt text

history filtering

Resampling blur happens when motion causes target pixels to reproject to fractional pixel locations in the previous frame. Alt text Alt text Alt text https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/450936588 Alt text Alt text

history rectification

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neighborhood bounding box of current frame

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  • clamping Alt text
  • clipping Alt text

current frame sampling

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current filtered color sharpen

  • luma contrast 越小减少filtering的作用

blend ratio

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  • luma diff
  • velocity
    • velocity的大小
    • velocity偏离pixel中心多少

tone mapping

YCoCg --> linear HDR -> LDR


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transparent object / particles

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small object blurring

  • moving character using last render result as previous input but not previous taa output
  • using more result of current frame


https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/71173025 如果上一帧深度与当前帧深度差距大,那就可以顺理成章的判断出上一帧与当前帧在这个像素点上产生了Flicker,这时候直接强行取消Clamp,使两像素融合到一起,也就不会因为Clamp而产生闪烁了。

art of balancing

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why talking with TAA

  • antialiasing
  • TAA upsampling


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https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx Alt text Alt text Alt text



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single image super-res

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multi-frame super-res

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  • color buffer any format
  • motion vectors RG32_FLOAT / RG16_FLOAT
  • depth buffer
  • exposure value (for HDR)
  • previous output buffer(optional) only RGBA16F

sub-pixel jitter sample pattern

  • halton
  • pattern phase
    • TAA 8 samples
    • DLSS
      Total Phases = Base Phase Count * (Target Resolution / Render Resolution) ^ 2

frosbite DLSS integration

  • motion vector need to be accurate
    • pixel space not uv space,可以使用给一个motion vector scale 为render resolution来缩放
      • need to be accurate every object must have one,(1, 1)怕是不兼容 Alt text
  • texture mip bias 我们引擎里的lod bias, 原来lod 1.2, bias 0.5, 则最终采用mip map level 为1.7. 又因为DLSS是渲了一个更小的分辨率,所以尽量让LOD减小以增加精度。

    Alt text Alt text

  • post effects and depth buffer Alt text Alt text
  • strand hair rasterizer Alt text Alt text
  • other gotchas Alt text
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