PBR Primitives and Intersection Acceleration

basic thoughts

  • spatial subdivision ---- kdTree
  • object subdivision ---- BVH object subdivision is based on progressively breaking the objects in the scene down into smaller sets of constituent objects.


basic principle

根据object的bounding box分布,把物体划分成树的结构。 Alt text

BVH construction ways


  • choose the partition axis has the largest range of the centroids of the primitives’ bounding boxes
  • split primitives based on the midpoint of centroid on chosen axis Alt text

equal counts

  • split primitives based on mid count of sorted centroid on chosen axis

surface area heuristic (SAH)

  • based on cost Alt text
  • probability based on surface area(bounding box 的表面积) Alt text
  • each primitive is placed in a bucket along the axis based on the centroid of its bounds Alt text
  • cost each cost for each bucket boundary Alt text 这里假设,遍历树的cost是0.125,树节点求相交的cost是1.0

linear bounding volume hierarchies

  • Mortan code 把各个维度的坐标(整数值)转换成2进制编码 Alt text Mortan编码的好处是,index接近或者说高bit位相同的分布在临近的区域 Alt text
  • hierarchical linear bounding volume hierarchy (HLBVH) 低层次的树采用Morton-curve-based clustering,高层次的树采用surface area heuristic 简单的说用Morton来做各个分桶里的BVH,用SAH做桶的BVH
    • 计算所有primitives的centroid的boundingbox
    • 计算每个primitive的centroid的Mortan code x, y, z每个维度计算相对于所有centroid的bdbox的offset,归一化到[0, 1]. 每个维度用10个bit编码,归一化的offset乘以2^10取整编码。 Alt text 通过多次移位编码成Mortan code Alt text
    • 每6个bit一起做sort Alt text
    • 前12个bit开始构建BVH Alt text 根据前12个bit分线程,然后依次根据下一个bit进行分支构建节点,根据bit位不同进行分支 Alt text
    • for前12个bit的桶进行SAH BVH构建

compact BVH

深度优先 Alt text 每个左节点会记录下兄弟节点的offset Alt text


从root节点开始判断 for more efficiently, 根据ray相对于axis的朝向决定优先和左子节点还是右子节点求交 Alt text


BSP and kd-tree

  • Binary space partitioning (BSP) trees adaptively subdivide space with planes.
  • Two variations of BSP trees are kd-trees and octrees. Alt text

tree representation

Alt text

tree construction

  • built with a recursive top-down algorithm
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