PBR Primitives and Intersection Acceleration
basic thoughts
- spatial subdivision ---- kdTree
- object subdivision ---- BVH object subdivision is based on progressively breaking the objects in the scene down into smaller sets of constituent objects.
basic principle
根据object的bounding box分布,把物体划分成树的结构。
BVH construction ways
- choose the partition axis has the largest range of the centroids of the primitives’ bounding boxes
- split primitives based on the midpoint of centroid on chosen axis
equal counts
- split primitives based on mid count of sorted centroid on chosen axis
surface area heuristic (SAH)
- based on cost
- probability based on surface area(bounding box 的表面积)
- each primitive is placed in a bucket along the axis based on the centroid of its bounds
- cost each cost for each bucket boundary
linear bounding volume hierarchies
- Mortan code
- hierarchical linear bounding volume hierarchy (HLBVH) 低层次的树采用Morton-curve-based clustering,高层次的树采用surface area heuristic 简单的说用Morton来做各个分桶里的BVH,用SAH做桶的BVH
compact BVH
for more efficiently, 根据ray相对于axis的朝向决定优先和左子节点还是右子节点求交
BSP and kd-tree
- Binary space partitioning (BSP) trees adaptively subdivide space with planes.
- Two variations of BSP trees are kd-trees and octrees.
tree representation
tree construction
- built with a recursive top-down algorithm