prior knowledge
- hierarchical z-buffer
- bindless texture, virtual texture
- deferred texturing
- cpu occlusion culling
- steam compaction
- compute shader
- directX instructions
- gather4
- StructuredBuffer & AppendStructuredBuffer
- RWBuffer
- RWTexture2D
- DrawIndexedInstanced vs DrawIndexInstancedIndirect vs MultiDrawIndexedInstancedIndirect
siggraph15, < GPU-Driven Rendering Pipelines> @ ubisoft
中文解读 上面的pdf没有说明,对于第一次接触的人看起来会比较吃力,可以先看这篇中文解说,更好接受。
gdc16, < Optimizing the Graphics Pipeline With Compute> @ EA
dragons conference 18, GPU driven Occlusion Culling 有对应的presentation pdf 和 demo source code