Deep in Microfacet BRDF


  • Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces, 2007
  • Eric Heitz, Understanding the Masking-Shadowing Function in Microfacet-Based BRDFs, 2014 这篇paper真的不错,把BRDF, NDF, shadowing-masking的原理和关系讲的很清楚。

Some Microfacet Theory

Measuring Radiance on a Surface

Alt text Alt text

Microfacet Statistics

Microfacet theory is a statistical model of the scattering properties of the micro-surface. Alt text

The Distribution of Normals

Alt text D is actually the distribution of normals per square meter of the geometric surface and this is why it is measured in m2/sr and not in 1/sr Alt text

Microfacet Projections

Alt text Alt text

A Constraint on the Masking Function

  • constraint 1 : projection area Alt text
  • constraint 2 : microsurface profile
    • the distribution of normals is like a histogram, describing only the proportion of each normal on the microsurface.
    • microsurface provide information of how microsurfaces are organized 即给定microsurface profile, 就可以推出masking function Alt text

Microfacet-Based BRDFs

Distribution of Visible Normals

Alt text Alt text Alt text 注意, D的单位是m^2/sr, D_wo的单位是1/sr, 归一化指的是投影面积上的归一化

Construction of the BRDF

  • micro-BRDF Alt text
  • macro-BRDF Alt text
  • introducing masking-shadowing function Alt text
    • w_g dot w_o 是normalize the integral by the projected area of the geometric surface on outgoing direction引入的
    • w_g dot w_i 是入射光在投影面积上的分量引入的

Construction of The BRDF with Specular Microfacets

Alt text

  • jacobian 项怎么来的 是把outgoing方向的变量替换成half vector变量产生的jacobian项 Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text hr 替换成 i+o 就能得到上面的式子

Construction of The BRDF with Diffuse Microfacets

Alt text

The BRDF Normalization Test

The White Furnace Test

  • BSDF BRDF+BTDF Alt text
  • White Furnace Test assume no absorption, no transmitted rays and all rays are reflected without energy loss Alt text 白炉测试的实现
  • The Weak White Furnace Test without Fresnel and shadowing Alt text Alt text

Good Summary

Alt text

Normal Distribution Functions

How is the NDF really defined

the density of micro-area over the joint domain of macro-area and solid angle Alt text

Isotropic NDF Alt text


  • not shape-invariant Alt text


  • shape-invariant Alt text


Alt text


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Masking Functions

The Smith Microsurface Profile

normal/masking independence

The Smith microsurface profile assumes that the microsurface is not autocorrelated. Alt text

derive the Smith masking function

把normal space 转换到slope space进行计算 Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text


  • uncorrelated assumption can cause artifacts

The V-Cavity Microsurface Profile

major principle

Alt text Each microsurface is composed of two normals ωm = (xm,ym,zm) and ωm′ = (−xm,−ym,zm) and the contribution of each microsurface is weighted by <ωm,ωg>D(ωm) in the final BRDF.


考虑到归一化 Alt text

masking function

Alt text

  • V-cavity masking function Alt text


  • For a single microsurface, highly visible normals would occupy more projected area than less visible normals and thus have a higher contribution. There is no view dependence in the weighting (except that backfacing normals are discarded). This is why the V-cavity model poorly incorporates the effect of visibility and ends up simulating something close to a normal map. Alt text
  • no such effect of V-cavity model that BRDF distribution shifted toward the outgoing direction as roughness increase Alt text

Non-Physically Based Masking Functions

what is "physically based"

  • ensure conservation of the projected are Alt text
  • satisfy the Weak White Furnace Test Alt text Alt text

The Implicit Masking Function

Alt text does not satisfy the conservation of the projected area

The Schlick-Smith Masking Function

The Kelemen Masking Function

Alt text


Alt text The real reason to choose it is that Smith’s formula is the exact masking function under the assumption of the chosen microsurface profile (i.e. normal/masking independence). Alt text Alt text

Stretch Invariance of the Masking Function

Investigate the invariance property of the masking function and of the distribution of slopes when the configuration is stretched.

Masking Probability Invariance

Alt text After stretching, occluded rays are still occluded and unoccluded rays are still unoccluded --- the masking probability is invariant to configuration stretching when all of the slopes involved in the configuration are scaled at the same time.

The Distribution of Slopes

  • the distribution of heights of the microsurface is often denoted P1(h)
  • distribution of slopes of the microsurface Alt text 注: tan的倒数是1/ (cos^2)

    Isotropic Shape-Invariant Distributions of Slopes

    Shape Invariance

  • changing roughness is equivalent to stretching the distribution without changing its shape Alt text
  • the masking function depends Alt text

    Beckmann Distribution

    Alt text

    GGX Distribution

    Alt text

Shape-Variant Distributions

Phong distribution Alt text

Anisotropic Shape-Invariant Distributions of Slopes

Shape Invariance

Alt text

Derivation of the Masking Function

Alt text any configuration with an anisotropic shape-invariant distribution can be trans- formed back to a configuration with an isotropic distribution Alt text

Anisotropic Beckmann Distribution

Alt text

Anisotropic GGX Distribution

Alt text

More Generalization

Arbitrary Shape-Invariant Distributions

An important property of shape-invariant distributions is that all of the information required for the masking function is contained in the same 1D function Λ, for any roughness or anisotropy. Alt text

Non Axis-Aligned Stretching

Alt text Alt text

Vertical Shearing and Non-Centered Distributions

The masking function is also invariant under vertical shearing, because the roughness and the normalization factor are invariant under shearing—which alters all the slopes, and hence the normal vectors—these might also be invariant under a rotation of the normals. Alt text

The Smith Joint Masking-Shadowing Function

Separable Masking and Shadowing

Alt text does not model correlations between masking and shadowing, and therefore always overestimates shadowing since some correlation always exists

Height-Correlated Masking and Shadowing

the more a microfacet is elevated within the microsurface, the more the probabilities of being visible for the outgoing direction (unmasked) and for the incident direction (unshadowed) increase at the same time. Alt text This form is accurate when the outgoing and incident directions are far away from each other, but overestimates shadowing when the directions are close.

  • derivation Alt text suppose that there is no directional correlation for masking from directions ωo and ωi, then the probability that a point at height h is visible from both directions is just the product of the probabilities Alt text Alt text

Direction-Correlated Masking and Shadowing

Masking and shadowing are also strongly correlated when the outgoing and incident directions are close to one another. Alt text

Height-Direction-Correlated Masking and Shadowing

Alt text Alt text

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