UCSD CSE 272 : Advanced Image Synthesis --- advanced BSDF
- Layered BSDF
- Hair and Cloth
- Wave-based BSDFs
Layered BSDF
how to modeling layered BSDF
a comprehensive framework for rendering layered materials
basic principle
adding equation: 把每一层的光照作用累积起来
special case : pile of glass plates [Stokes 1860]
general case : adding equation [Grant and Hunt 1969]
general layered BSDF construction [Jakob 2014]
- use a Fourier basis to compress the matrices
- downside
- need to store a huge sparse matrix (in Fourier domain)
- texturing is hard
Efficient Rendering of Layered Materials using an Atomic Decomposition with Statistical Operators
basic principle
- use sum of GGX lobes to represent multiple scattering between layers
- approximate the R&T matrices using Gaussians for a given direction ω
Belcour’s algorithm
Position-Free Monte Carlo Simulation for Arbitrary Layered BSDFs
basic principle
- just compute the multiple scattering using Monte Carlo integration
- 降维
recent research
Hair and Cloth
physical structures
hair rendering
strand-based models [Marschner et al. 2003]
modeling the geometry of hair strands
- option1 --- polylines(多线段) but lines don’t have thickness!
- option 2 --- connected cylinders(圆柱) rendering cylinders is a bit expensive
- option 3 --- connected quads(有点类似于billboard的四边形)
- quads always face towards the viewers
- use shading normal to fake cylinder appearances
- option 4 --- connected Bezier curves
ray-curve intersection
hair BSDF
or “BCSDF” (Bidirectional Curve Scattering Distribution Function) or “BFSDF” (F=Fiber)
- lighting model
- longitudinal scattering
- Marschner et al. [2003]: fit different wrapped Gaussians around the half-angle
- d’Eon et al. [2011]’s proposal: use a von-Mises-like distribution
- Marschner et al. [2003]: fit different wrapped Gaussians around the half-angle
- azimuthal scattering
Common assumption: the circular section is isotropic (i.e. it’s not an ellipse)
- volumetric absorption and Fresnel
3 lobes for R, TRT, TT; 1 lobe to compensate energy
- Bells and whistles(really interesting)
cloth rendering
Wave-based BSDFs
what is light
why do we see things
Huygen’s principle
real-life wave optics effects
- compact disks caused by many small “slits”
- soap bubbles caused by “thin-film interference”
- dispersion(色散)
- hologram(全息图)