UCSD CSE 272 : Advanced Image Synthesis --- intro & simple BSDF part


course overview

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smallpt : path tracing in 30 minutes

What is the color of a pixel?

  • reconstruction Alt text Alt text Alt text
  • path tracing
    • intersection
    • trace Alt text
      • diffuse relfection Alt text
      • mirror reflection Alt text
      • refraction Alt text Alt text
    • lighting Alt text
    • termination Alt text

what‘s more

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geometry primitive

struct Sphere : public ShapeBase {
    Vector3 position;
    Real radius;

struct TriangleMesh : public ShapeBase {
    /// TODO: make these portable to GPUs
    std::vector<Vector3> positions;
    std::vector<Vector3i> indices;
    std::vector<Vector3> normals;
    std::vector<Vector2> uvs;
    /// Below are used only when the mesh is associated with an area light
    Real total_area;
    /// For sampling a triangle based on its area
    TableDist1D triangle_sampler;

// To add more shapes, first create a struct for the shape, add it to the variant below,
// then implement all the relevant functions below.
using Shape = std::variant<Sphere, TriangleMesh>;

next event estimation

  • in addition to cosine-weighted hemisphere sampling, also sample a point on light Alt text
  • light sampling Alt text

      struct pdf_point_on_shape_op {
          Real operator()(const Sphere &sphere) const;
          Real operator()(const TriangleMesh &mesh) const;
          const PointAndNormal &point_on_shape;
          const Vector3 &ref_point;

multi importance sampling

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  • 用一阶Taylor展开来根本的解释mip map level原理 Alt text Alt text Alt text
  • path tracing 怎么计算偏导数 Alt text Alt text ```cpp /// We adopt an approach for ray differentials /// that is used in Renderman. /// See Section 6.6 in "RenderMan: /// An Advanced Path Tracing Architecture for Movie Rendering" /// https://graphics.pixar.com/library/RendermanTog2018/paper.pdf /// The idea is to simplify Igehy's ray differential by only /// storing two quantities: a "radius" that describes positional /// differential, and a "spread" that describes directional differential.

/// For glossy/diffuse surfaces, Renderman used a heuristics based on the /// PDF of the sampling direction and use larger spread for low PDF. /// Here we use an even simpler heuristics: we linearly blend /// between the specular spread and a constant based on roughness. struct RayDifferential { // Radius is approximately (length(dp/dx) + length(dp/dy)) / 2 // Spread is approximately (length(dd/dx) + length(dd/dy)) / 2 // p is ray position, d is ray direction. Real radius = 0, spread = 0; // The units are pixels. }; ```

shading normals

Alt text chrome-extension://cdonnmffkdaoajfknoeeecmchibpmkmg/assets/pdf/web/viewer.html?file=https%3A%2F%2Fjo.dreggn.org%2Fhome%2F2021_terminator.pdf



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how to obtain BSDF

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build a model for BSDF

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Microfacet theory

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  • normal distribution function Alt text
  • microsurface geometry profile Alt text Alt text
  • Fresnel --- ratio of reflection Alt text Alt text
    • complex for metals Alt text Alt text Alt text
  • multiple scattering Alt text Alt text


This “Uber” BSDF includes multiple layers to create a wide variety of materials.


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Disney BSDF

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  • diffuse Alt text Alt text Alt text
  • metal & clear coat Alt text Alt text
  • glass Alt text
  • sheen Alt text

Autodesk Standard Surface

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  • clear coat Alt text
  • metal Alt text
  • sheen Alt text

Unreal Engine 4 Physically-based Material

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Normal/Displacement Map Filtering

mipmap normal map --- using NDF

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核心思想是通过局部的normal map 来推导出NDF分布 Alt text Alt text


  • 拟合 Beckmann NDF Alt text Alt text

    这个难道不就是specular AA ??

  • 拟合 geometry term Alt text

  • result Alt text

displacement and reflectance mapping Alt text

Yan Ling-Qi --- 还原复杂normal下的高光

Alt text 核心思想是 count texels on the normal map given and ω ω′ 实际是用Guassian distribution来拟合normal朝向的权重 Alt text

procedurally generate normals

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more researches

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