Volume Rendering Basic Theory

properties of volumes

  • what are volumes

    Volumes, are collections of particles, ranging from atoms and molecules to any particle size.

  • collision probability the chance of a photon collision
    • probability density of collision per unit distance defined by a coefficient σ(x), which is the probability density of collision per unit distance traveled inside the volume. The physical unit of a collision coefficient is inverse length.
    • mean free path the average distance traveled between collisions.

light propagation in volumes

  • radiative transformation equation(RTE)

    what happens to a radiance beam as it travels forward Alt text

    • absorption Alt text
    • out-scattering Alt text
    • emission Alt text
    • in-scattering Alt text
    • RTE Alt text
  • Volume Rendering Equation(VRE)

    describes the radiance in terms of where it comes from Alt text Alt text Alt text

discrete methods

积分转换成离散求和,沿一个方向ray marching来累积。 Alt text 这部分待推导

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