Specular AA


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basic principle

NV 16

filters a distribution of microfacet normals in the domain of microfacet slopes by estimating the filtering kernel using derivatives of a halfway vector between incident and outdoing directions. Alt text 在一个很小的面积内对BSDF做filtering Alt text 基于假设:积分区域远小于eye和light source到surface point的距离,上述公式可以简化为 Fresnel 和 Geometry项都属于[0,1]范围,变化较为平缓,可视为常数。 Alt text Alt text

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  • problem filters a distribution of microfacet normals in the domain of microfacet slopes by estimating the filtering kernel using derivatives of a halfway vector between incident and outdoing directions. Alt text 越接近gazing angle,hz越小,误差越大。


  • estimates the derivatives in a projected halfvector space instead of slope space Alt text Alt text

  • optimization for deferred shading Alt text Alt text Alt text


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